Delta Finishing Machine 4" Belt 12" Disc No. 31-700

The Delta Finishing Machine No. 31-700 with standard 4" belt and 12" disc was capable of Delta 31-700 Belt Disc Finishing Machineperforming 90 to 95% of all your finishing operations. It was excellent for all finishing operations on wood and plastic; for grinding, surfacing or polishing steel components, die castings; aluminum, brass and copper parts, and a variety of other materials. Like all Delta tools of this vintage, the No. 31-700 Delta Finishing Machine is a heavy beast, but the heft is what allows so little vibration during operation.

Delta Combination Belt Disc Finishing Machine




No Lost Motion - the Delta finishing machine enabled you to move from one machine to another in seconds - as required when finishing curved, straight or irregular shaped parts.

With two machines mounted on one stand and operated by one motor, you save valuable shop space and keep your motor costs to a minimum.

These time and money-saving features made the Delta Finishing machine an excellent unit for use in wood and metal pattern shops, sign and display shops and all types of commercial shops throughout industry. It was also ideal for use in schools and home workshops.

The large table was 9 3/4" deep x 16 1/4" wide. It provided ample work support for finishing core prints of large patterns. The fully machined disc was balanced for vibration-free operation on close-tolerance pattern making jobs.

Delta Belt Disc Finishing MachineAn exclusive new grinding attachment facilitates hollow grinding of Delt Belt Disc Finishing Machineplane irons, wood chisels and other cutting tools quickly and safely without burning or loss of temper. Carving and wood turning tools also can be sharpened free-hand.


The Auto-Set Miter Gage makes chamfering, beveling, mitering, and end-sanding operations easy. Table can be tilted 20 degrees toward and 45 degrees away from the disc for compound angle finishing. An easy-to-read tilt scale simplified the table settings. Delta Sander Miter Gauge

Delta Belt Sander BackstopA handy, rigid backstop facilitates the finishing of flat work and simplified the sanding of small pieces. The belt end guard has an adjustable dust deflector and built-in spout for attaching to wood and metal dust collection systems.

The husky 4 1/4" wide x 12" long platen can be inverted for underside general finishing or deburring operations on hard-to-handle parts. Easily removed for free-hand finishing of odd-shaped parts where a firm back support is not required.

Delta Finishing Machine

Delta Finishing Machine

This Delta Finishing Machine was purchased in San Jose, Ca. The serial number indicates that it was manufactured in 1964. The original 3 phase motor was replaced by a 1 HP Dayton single phase motor.

Delta 37-100 Belt Disc Sander

Delta Disc Finishing Machine


Basic Machine Accessories & Parts


No. 82-910 3/4 H.P. Capacitor Start Motor
This was a capacitor start, 115 volt, 60 cycle, 1725 r.p.m. motor with ball bearings and a 5/8" diameter shaft. The motor speed of 1725 rpm ran the belt at 3320 r.p.m and the disc sander at 2415 r.p.m.

No. 82-510 1 H.P. Capacitor Start Motor
Motors were mounted underneath the stand.

Delta No. 31-661 Belt and Pulley Guard

No. 34-661 V-Belt And Motor Pulley Guard
This guard completely protects the operator from the motor pulley and V-belt.


No. 31-690 Plane Blade Grinding Attachment
Complete with fully machined tilting table, adjustable quadrant, tool holder and belt.

Delta 34-500 Table Saw Miter Guage

No. 50-864 Auto-Set Miter Gage

The miter gage has a 7 inch face and a 3/8 x 3/4 x 18 inch bar which fits the table slot of circular saws and other machines. It can be set at any angle up to 60 degrees to the right or left, and it has adjustable stops for instantaneous settings at zero and 45 degrees to the right or left. It can be adjusted to compensate for wear or loosening the head by merely loosening or tightening a tapered pivot screw.


No. 50-435 - Steel Stand
29" high with top 18" wide x 26" long

Delta Retractable Caster Set No. 50-435 Retractable Caster Set for steel stand


Delta Combination Belt Disc Finishing Machine

Delta Belt Disc Finishing Machine

Overall dimensions
- Width - 25"
- Height - 43"
- depth - 32"

Belt Finishing Machine
- Belt 4" x 52 1'2"
- Platen 4 1/2" x 12"
- Height - Platen to floor... 39"

Disc Finishing Machine
- Disc... 12" dia.
- Table size... 9 3/4" x 16 1/4"
- Height - table to floor... 35 1/2"
- Table tilt... 20 degrees toward, 45 degrees away from disc
Speed (with 1725 motor)... 2415 r.p.m.


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