Walker-Turner 36"wood lathe

by R E Taugher
(St Clair Shores MI)


36" Walker Turner Wood Lathe

My son gave me a Walker Turner 36"wood lathe that he got at a yard sale near Madison WI. I used it to turn some spindle legs. I was not pleased with the results because the lathe is a little out of round. Probably needs new roller bearings. My guess is that this lathe come from an Industrial Arts shop at a high school in the Milwaukee or Madison area.

I would like to restore it but don't know where to get parts.

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Jan 06, 2011
Walker Turner Wood Lathe
by: G Patrick

Walker Turner, before purchase by Delta in the late fifties, produced some very nice machines, including your lathe. Visit and join the OWWM site, where you will find a great wealth of information regarding drawings, parts,and restoration tips to bring that lathe back to life. Be sure to participate in the forums where some of the most knowledgeable people in the country can provide advise and parts for your restoration. I have a W-T lathe also and can say that most of the models used non standard headstock bearings which may be difficult to find. I can assure you that your lathe properly restored will out perform almost all of the foreign built junk on the market these days. Good luck and enjoy the experience.....Glen

Dec 19, 2010
Don't blame the tool

I call guys like you 'Wood-Weinies' You did not like the lathe.
Did you go over the machine? Check run-out, End play. I doubt you even know what these terms mean. A fine running Walker
Turner 'anything' is what old iron is all about. Get yourself a
used Shopsmith, they will get the job done, but I'm sure you would 'blame' the machine again?

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