by Tony Gordon
(Lake Point, Utah)
Sears Sabre Saw
I have this little sabre saw which has been kicking around for many years. I believe it came from my grandfather's house. It runs like a champ, no variable speed, just an on and off switch. I would love to hear any information about it. The metal tag on the underside belly reads: SEARS SABRE SAW-Develops Over 1/8 H.P.-115 VOLT A.C.-D.C.-1.8 AMPS-MODEL 315.6635- Tag Reads 5317-MADE IN U.S.A.-SEARS,ROEBUCK AND CO.-SIMPSONS-SEARS LTD.
It's a cool little saw once you get used to an on/off switch only! I have upgraded and would love to see it end up in someone's vintage collection.
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