by Rich Meyer
(Corinna,, Maine, USA)
...motor's in place, now a switch, then...
I only think this is a TA1165 10" Tilting Arbor Saw... it's a cabinet saw, 10", with tilting arbor. When I got it, it was stenciled "U.S.Navy" on the lower cabinet. Bought it in Rockland, Maine about 12 years ago for $75. No motor or fence or miter guage. Brought it home and disassembled it, cleaned and lubricated it, painted the cabinet, and put it back together.
Even without the motor, I knew it was a good machine, because when I put a blade on it and spun it by hand, it took forever for it to come to a halt (okay, at least over a minute, anyway). Then came a motor - 2hp - for $200, and a fence - Shop Fox by Grizzly for about $300. Then another c-note for a motor bracket to be fabricated.
It sounds like a Porsche and cuts like a laser. The arbor has NO run out, and the table is flat enough for what I do (mostly hobby stuff). I'm very happy with it, to say the least.