Stanley No. 45 Combination Plane

by Ben Anderson
(Chico, CA)

Stanley No. 45 Combination Plane

Stanley No. 45 Combination Plane

I found this Stanley No. 45 Combination plane in an antique store in Chico, Ca.

Comments for Stanley No. 45 Combination Plane

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Jul 16, 2010
adjustable beading, rabbet and matching plane
by: Anonymous

Can anyone give me an idea of what this antique tool is worth; we'd be interested in findin out.

Jun 23, 2010
Old #45 Stanley combination with lots of extras
by: Deanna

I was passed down one of these with it's oringinal cutters, and was wondering around how much they may go for. Please feel free to contact me @

Jan 21, 2010
Stanley No. 45 Plane
by: Anonymous

I have one plane like that with cutters and i want to sell it.
francois.cantin at

Jul 11, 2009
Beautiful Plane
by: Grizzley

Your plane looks to be in great condition. I sold a Stanley moulding plane that looked very much like your no. 45. My plane had a peice broken on it which rendered is useless. I let a box of various shaped moulding plane irons go with it. I wish I had kept it now.

I think you have a real prize there!

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