Rockwell Delta Milwaukee 6 inch Jointer

by David Viers
(Mechnicsville, VA)

Rockwell Delta Milwaukee 6 inch Jointer

Rockwell Delta Milwaukee 6 inch Jointer

This is a heavy cast iron machine with a 32 inch bed. On one side it has a red nameplate that says it was manufactured by Rockwell serial no. 90-1129. On the other side is a red name plate that says Delta Milwaukee. I can find no model number. It is a great machine and has served me well. I'm curious about the connection between Rockwell, Delta, and Milwaukee.

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Feb 22, 2011
I have an identical jointer, have the same question
by: Skeezaroonie

Found your question and picture and I have the same question about the history of the Rockwell/Delta company. I recently found and bought the same model jointer (mine is s/n 95-7412) and it's beaut. After changing the knives I am loving the performance of this little gem.

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