Very early looking plow plane with brass thumb screws similar to a Stanley 45 but not as ornate as the early models and is different how the handle is held on the top, there are 2 screws that hold the handle in place from a thin steel strap. There is nut on the end of steel rod that holds the fence that is not a size that was standard or metric. There is also a screw that holds the frog in place with a good sized brass thumb screw. There is no blade. There are 3 depth setting parts total 2 held together in the front with a brass screw 1 farther back held with a brass screw. The fence is steel and wood. I have had a lot of different planes but i cant find anything in my books or on ebay on this plane. Could anyone please help me with this, i don;t have a way to download pictures. Thanks for your help.